Palomar Mountain State Park

A wonderful place to visit in our fast times.

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Friends of Palomar Mountain State Park



This Veterans Day, Friday November 11, Palomar Mountain State Park will have free day-use access to Veterans, Active Duty and Reserve Military Personnel. Click for details...



Boo-cher? Bow-cher? Bow-ker? Butcher? Boo-sher... how about Boo-shay?

There are many ways you could pronounce Boucher, but people in the know pronounce it one of two ways: boo-ker or booker. In fact, Boucher was originally spelled Bougher, supposedly an Americanized spelling of the German surname Bucher. Boucher Hill is named after William Bougher, a pioneer from Ohio who came to San Diego county in the late 1880's and homesteaded on Palomar Mountain in the early 1900's when it was still called Smith Mountain.

1956 Boucher Hill marker

Wrong spelling, right pronunciation... maybe.